Scottish Terrier Club of New England Code of ethics


The Club was formed in 1939 to promote the breeding of purebred Scottish Terriers and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection.  Today we stand firmly in that historic tradition. We do all in our power to protect and advance the interest of the breed.  We encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows, agility matches and earth dog competition. We raise and care for our Scottish Terriers demonstrating our best for our companions. We have an active rescue and adoption program.We educate our members, advocate for our breed, and share our knowledge with the public. We put forward standards of conduct expected of all members in good standing. 

As a member of the STCNE, I agree to:

  • be actively involved in the Club, and supportive of its events and activities,
  • educate the public by providing accurate information regarding the breed and its AKC Standard,
  • ensure proper housing, fencing, veterinary and other health and wellness care for my Scottish Terrier,
  • refuse to support legislation and organizations that are detrimental to the responsible ownership and breeding of the Scottish Terrier,
  • be familiar with the Constitution and By-Laws of STCNE,
  • attend Club meetings regularly, whenever possible, and
  • conduct myself in a manner which reflects credit upon myself, the Club, and its members.


As a Member of the STCNE and a Scottish Terrier owner, who breeds one or more litters, I agree to the standards of conduct set by STCNE, as well as the following ethical practices recommended by the Scottish Terrier Club of America (STCA.)

Maintain the animal(s) in an environment and under a regime that as far as possible ensures the well-being of the dog. Make use of available DNA testing when needed, in order to produce Scottish Terriers free of genetically transmitted defects.
Familiarize oneself with the AKC Standard of the Breed and strive to breed only Scottish Terriers of characteristic type, sound structure and temperament, directing ones efforts to producing dogs in conformity to the AKC Standard.
Keep accurate breeding records and registration information in accordance with American Kennel Club regulations. Breed bitches in good condition and health according to AKC recommendations.
Only undertake the breeding of a bitch when one is prepared to keep the resultant puppies and they are suitably placed. Members offering a dog at stud should require similar assurances from the owner of bitches of non-STCA members. Puppies should not be sold prior to 10 weeks of age. Puppies and adults should be sold with appropriate inoculations for their age.
Members should provide stud service only when satisfied that the owner of the bitch has such time and facilities necessary for the proper development of the puppies.
Should not misrepresent or fail to disclose known hereditary defects, health and physical condition of any stock offered for sale or breeding purposes.
Provide purchasers of adults or puppies with accurate papers to include a three generation pedigree, registration certificate and/or written sales agreement as to whether a guarantee is provided and setting forth any terms, conditions, or limitations thereto, together with complete medical records and instructions for care and feeding.

Not knowingly sell a Scottish Terrier of any age to a pet shop, catalog house, laboratory or any wholesale dealer in dogs (a dealer being a person who regularly buys dogs for sale at profit,) or to any person who sells to any of the above.

Members will not knowingly offer stud service to wholesale dealers or to any person involved with pet shops, catalog houses or laboratories. No Scottish Terrier will be provided for use in raffles, auctions or similar enterprises.
Assume an ongoing responsibility for the Scottish Terrier that they produce. This is a lifetime commitment. A Scottie in need of a new home, who is owned by, bred by or sired by a member of STCA (and/or STCNE) should not become as rescue dog. This dog should become the responsibility of the owner, breeder, or owner of the sire.

Engage in advertising that is as factual as possible. Misleading exaggerations or unfounded implications of superiority shall not be used.
Refrain from knowingly making unfair or untrue statements about the dogs or practices of others.

By signing this Code of Ethics, I acknowledge that I understand and agree with the purposes of the Scottish Terrier Club of New England its parent Club, the Scottish Terrier Club of America, that I will do my best to promote the best interests of the Club and the breed, and that I will not engage in any practice that is unethical or prejudicial to the best interests of the Club.


Signature______________________________________Printed Name_________________________Date Signed__________ 


Signature______________________________________Printed Name_________________________Date Signed__________